For over 25 years, Dr Pepper has sponsored SONIC’s one-of-a-kind premier training program for drive-ins across the country. This training program focuses on taking each crew member that participates and helping to make them masters on the stations that they work. Each year all participating stores compete against each other to see who has what it takes to soar to the top 12! We are proud of all our teams that competed and advanced through the multiple rounds. We had several teams make it to the top 500 and 3 teams that made it to the top 50!
This year, due to the pandemic, the final 12 competed a little differently. Usually our top 12 teams compete against each other at our annual National Convention, however this year, our teams got a home field advantage as the Dr Pepper Games came to each top 12’s home store. The Clinton Blvd Showstoppers competed on Sunday, August 30th with the support of family, friends, and coworkers. We are proud of our finalists and look forward to the awards ceremony that will take place Thursday, October 22nd.
Our Clinton Blvd Showstoppers team finalists are:
Alicia Evans- Griffin | General Manager
Mauriel Maxie | Fountain & Frozen, AGM
Marcus Williams | Grill
William Griffin | Dresser
Breunna Manuel | Carhop
James McDonald | Swamp
Javius Powell | Switchboard